That’s one of Jen’s “T-shirt statements.” You know, like the thing you believe with enough conviction to wear on a t-shirt. Like a bumper sticker for your personhood. So if you’re run over by a bus wearing that shirt, you would be okay with that thing essentially being your last words, hanging like a thought bubble—your own personal billboard for people to people to remember what you believed enough to put on a shirt.
Nothing is wasted.
… not my first graphic design internship where for over a year all I used was Illustrator.
… not my first job as a designer where I used Photoshop for 10 hour days and 80 hour weeks.
I do know how to use the tools. I can digitize type. I can use filters. I can make crazy cast shadows using masks and alpha channels. I can blend textures to get the exact effect I want. I could take 10 years off your face, easy! And prep the file to print on a bus wrap!
But what I don’t know right now is how I want the letters to look and how to draw them. Because this.
So I’ll be over here with my No. 2 pencil.