Are you ready?
The 100 Day Project starts tomorrow! I’ll be participating for the 3rd year in a row.
To be perfectly honest, I’m a little nervous about it.
When I first did it a couple of years ago, I had no idea what to expect.
“No expectations” is a beautiful thing.
There’s only one time like that… you know, like the first time you go to a new exercise class… or get the glaucoma test!
I’m making it sound horrible. It’s sooo not.
It’s like the first time at Disney World with all your friends!!!!
But this being my THIRD time on this ride, I have expectations for myself.
It’s a bit harder to set those aside and not think about the end rather than being in the moment.
I want it to be as fun as last time.
I want to learn something.
I want my collection to reflect my growth… blah, blah, blah.
I share all this because perhaps some of you are feeling some trepidation about committing to 100 days.
And I want you to know you’re not alone.
And yet, I’m gonna do it… because the decisions that have been most forwarding for me are the ones that I say, “What the heck? Why not?!”
So ready or not… 100 days begins tomorrow! Let’s do this thing. Let’s connect on instagram… leave a comment on this image with your #hashtag so I can follow your 100 days too. I’ll post mine in the morning.