Artist by trade. Maker by birth. Dreamer. Wife to best friend. Mama to 4 “smalls” (or not so small 17, 16, 13 & 11). Addicted to coffee… and dark chocolate Lover of wine. Self-proclaimed fashionista. “Ink” connoisseur. Captivated by nature. Plays with fire. Enchanted by the written word. Seeking authenticity. Crazy about her furry girls. Child of the King. Typically, Lisa can be found with a camera in one hand… Starbucks in the other, a golden retriever by her side and slightly covered in silver dust. Guaranteed to be wearing fabulous boots, sitting on bleachers at one of her “small peoples” sporting events, with a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her face.
1. What’s your medium of choice and what do you love about it?
Metal! Because it can move in unexpected ways and become something so delicate and beautiful but yet be so strong!
2. What are you working on right now? What’s on your camera/desk/easel or in your studio?
New stones I picked up at a show. Turning them into amazing one of a kind pendants!
3. What practices/activities are most valuable to your creative process?
The design process is huge. But it’s different every time. It depends on the medium. If i’m working with stones, I really need to touch them, trace them and then let the design flow from stone itself. Other times, it’s a design that comes to mind out of “need” / “want” for myself and then a pencil needs to hit paper. From there a copper or silver model needs to be created to work out the logistics of the design. How does it look? Feel? Is it balanced? Does it work?
4. What’s one thing you want to share with others about your art and/or process?
Find your own way. You can hear others process. You can study books on design. But everyone is different. You need to try many methods and see what feels best for you. And what works today might not work tomorrow, and that is ok. Exploration is part of the discovery. And beautiful things come from that discovery!
5. What advice would you give to your young artist self?
Trust your instincts. Try everything. Experiment. Explore. Discover. Be yourself. Do not be afraid to fail. And when you do, because you will… don’t give up. Just get up and start again. I tried to fit in a mold that I absolutely did not fit in for a very long time, but when I finally stopped worrying about what others thought about me, or my work, I was free to be me. And me is pretty ok.
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